
Mobile charcoal kiln prototype in Italy

The mobile charcoal kiln prototype is identified as an innovation on non-wood forest products. In FOREST4EU project. It has been developed by EIP-Agri Operational Group INCEGA in Italy.

To revitalize chestnut cultivation and build micro-supply chains, EIP-AGRI Operational Group INGECA (Strategie INnovative a basso impatto per la GEstione delle avversità dei CAstagneti da frutto), in Italy, has developed a mobile charcoal kiln for production in situ on farm scale. Turning chestnut pruning residues into charcoal or biochar offers one new income source for people in rural areas. The mobile charcoal kiln can contribute to farm diversification, providing additional income for farmers, and improving phytosanitary condition of the chestnut orchards.

This blog text is an abbreviation of the FOREST4EU video. Learn more about the development process of the mobile charcoal kiln, its function and benefits: