First Finnish Rural Network focus groups begin
The activities of the Finnish Rural Network will get off to a fast start in 2024 when the network’s first focus groups start their work.
The EU’s agricultural policy for 2023–2027 increasingly focuses on climate and environmental measures. Meanwhile, the Finnish Rural Network has chosen strengthening Swedish-language activities as one of its priorities. This emphasis is reflected in the current year’s operations through new focus group activities, for example. The network held an open call for group members, which attracted great interest.
The focus groups will operate for 2024, during which they will meet around four times in face-to-face workshops. In addition to workshops, online meetings may be organised. The members of the focus groups represent diverse areas of rural development and agriculture from different parts of Finland.
Climate and Environment Focus Group
The task of the Climate and Environment Focus Group is to support and outline the networking activities on the climate and environment side of the Rural Network. Furthermore, the focus group selects the goals and priorities of networking activities and discusses potential means of demonstrating the impact of the climate and environmental projects.
Composition of the Climate and Environment Focus Group:
Coordinator: Salla Ruuska
Anna Huttunen, Finnish Food Authority
Anna Schulman, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Anne Värilä, Pirkanmaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre)
Christel Holmlund-Norren, Novia University of Applied Sciences
Eija Hagelberg, Baltic Sea Action Group
Harri Hakala, ELY Centre (National Climate Change Unit)
Harri Mäkivuokko, ProAgria
Henri Niiranen, Leader Länsi-Saimaa local action group
Jari Rouvinen, Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) North Karelia
Maarit Liimatainen, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Maija Suutarinen, Hakamaa sheep farm
Nora Backlund, Association of Rural Advisory Centres (SLF) (Sustainability Week)
Roman Gokkoev, Regional Council of Kainuu
Sari Iivonen, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Silja Ngobese, Valonia
Thomas Björklöf, Skriks Gård farm
Swedish-language Cooperation Focus Group
The purpose of the Swedish-language Cooperation Focus Group is to support and prepare guidelines for the Rural Network’s networking in Swedish. The focus group also selects the goals and priorities of networking activities and discusses potential impactful projects from a Swedish-speaking standpoint.
Composition of the Swedish-language Cooperation Focus Group
Coordinator: Ann-Sofi Backgen
Carina Storhannus, Business Kristinestad
Anette Vihanto, Leader Action Group SILMU
Anne Antman, Baltic Sea Action Group
Irene Vänninen, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Alf-Håkan Romar, Association of Rural Advisory Centres (SLF)
Janika Granlund, Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
Henrik Ingo, Federation of Swedish Municipalities in Ostrobothnia for Education and Culture
Mathias Högbacka, Aktion Österbotten local action group
Mari Lappalainen, ELY Centre (National Climate Change Unit)
Anne Paadar, South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
Kenneth Nordberg, Åbo Akademi University
Kai Alajoki, Southwest Finland ELY Centre
Leif Franzell, Ålands landskaps regering
Johnny Kronqvist, Pedersöre/YTA
For more information on the Climate and Environment Focus Group applications and activities, please contact Salla Ruuska, Climate and Environment Coordinator of the Rural Network Unit.
salla.ruuska(at), tel. +358 50 323 8946
For more information on cooperation in Swedish and the focus group activities, please contact Ann-Sofi Backgren, Swedish-language Network Coordinator of the Rural Network Unit.
ann-sofi.backgren(at), tel. +358 503 241 318
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