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A new network to empower young people in rural areas - join the LEADER Youth Community!

Following the success of the EU CAP Network’s Young LEADER Forum in Vierumäki, Finland, in June, ELARD is now launching the LEADER Youth Community, a new network dedicated to empowering young people in rural areas. Whether you are young or just young at heart, join and help shape the future of rural development!

A new network to empower young people in rural areas - join the LEADER Youth Community!

The LEADER Youth Community is a vibrant and dynamic group within the broader LEADER initiative, focused on empowering young people to take an active role in shaping the future of their rural areas. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment where young individuals can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and gain the skills needed to drive positive change.

If you are 30 or under, you are most welcome to sign up as a member and ambassador in the LEADER Youth Community. You also have the opportunity to choose which role you want in the network: part of the steering group and running the network, an ambassador and collecting opinions for my country, an administrator who helps at meetings and get-togethers, a communicator, to be involved in developing materials and campaigns, a group leader and arrange group-strengthening activities and take initiatives or if you just want to share information as a member. If you are over 30, you are welcome to sign up to become a mentor.

Young people are not just the future – you are the present! By joining the LEADER Youth Community, you can help shape the future of your hometown. Here are some reasons why you should join:

  1. Make Your Voice Heard: Your opinion matters! Participate in discussions and decision-making processes that impact your local community.
  2. Develop New Skills: Learn more about project management, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.
  3. Network: Meet other engaged youth, like-minded individuals, and mentors who can help you achieve your goals.
  4. Create Change: Be part of projects that make a real difference in your community and contribute to a sustainable future.


2024, 2 September, 17:00 -18:15 CET

The online party will include mingling, networking, and setting upcoming goals for this group!


2024, 2-3 October

We will have the opportunity to have the first physical network meeting at the second European LEADER congress. Young people under 25 will have access to a discounted price.

Näin haet mukaan

Sign up for the LEADER Youth Community here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpqgXmaDurXpzNfHoXczgwpNOubl-JqtzOQtedHk0b00i9Dg/viewform.