How can the conservation and utilisation of local under-utilised varieties of perennial crops be attractive and profitable for farmers and thereby contribute to biodiversity-friendly sustainable farming under climate change?
Euroopan maaseutuverkosto etsii asiantuntijoita fokusryhmään Paikalliset monivuotiset kasvigeenivarat ilmastonmuutoksen ja biologisen monimuotoisuuden vähenemisen näkökulmasta
Background information
The modernisation of agriculture and the preference for standardised commercial varieties have led
to the gradual disappearance of local traditional varieties of perennial crops (fruit trees, vineyard,
olives trees …). These are often neglected and replaced by more productive and uniform modern
varieties. This leads to a reduction in the genetic pool of local perennial crops which are a vital
component of agricultural biodiversity, essential for plant breeding and adaptation to changing
environmental conditions. The preservation of local genetic resources of perennial crops makes it
easier for species to adapt when the environment changes, thus helping to preserve biodiversity,
ensuring food security, and enabling sustainable and resilient agriculture in Europe.
Changing perennial varieties is challenging because they have long lifespans and require significant
time and resources to establish. Once planted, they influence production for decades, making the
initial choice critical. Long-term factors like climate adaptability, disease resistance, and market
demand impact productivity, making changes risky and deterring farmers from switching varieties.
Maintaining the capacity of farming systems to adapt to accelerating climate change and changing
social expectations is a major challenge. The capacity to adapt depends on the availability of diverse
genetic resources to give researchers, breeders and farmers the possibility to sustain the agriculture
of the future. Plant genetic resources are an essential component of cultivated biodiversity. Maintaining them provides a reservoir of diversity from which new varieties can be selected.
The Focus Group aims to promote strategies at farm level to preserve and use local genetic resources
of perennial crops and to facilitate knowledge and innovation exchange between farmers, farm
advisors, researchers, and other relevant actors. The identification of existing solutions in different
farming systems under different pedo-climatic zones will contribute to understanding and qualifying
the socio-economic and environmental benefits.
Question: How can the conservation and utilisation of local under-utilised varieties of perennial
crops be attractive and profitable for farmers and thereby contribute to biodiversity-friendly
sustainable farming under climate change?
- Identify the benefits of local under-utilised perennial varieties in adapting to climate change
and maintaining biodiversity; - Identify the challenges and opportunities for farmers in conserving and using under-utilised
local perennial crops; - Collect and highlight good practices and inspiring success stories, approaches and
methodologies for maintaining and cultivating local perennial crops, covering different
pedo-climatic areas; - Identify examples of valorising local perennial plant varieties (from the environmental and
economic point of view); - Identify capacity building experiences and needs for preserving and utilising local perennial
crops at farm level; - Suggest innovative and appropriate management practices;
- Identify further research needs from practice, and possible gaps in technical knowledge;
- Suggest innovative ideas for EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and other innovative projects.
Kustannuksien korvaaminen
Focus Groups are expected to work for around twelve months and meet face-to-face twice.
Please note that the dates for the first meetings of the Focus Groups are indicated below. All applicants must be available to travel to the Focus Group meeting on these dates. If selected experts fail to confirm their availability on these dates within one week after having received a notification that they have been selected, they may be replaced. Focus Group participants will also be requested to do some preparatory work before the first meeting and in between the first and second meetings. No remuneration will be provided for participating as an expert in the Focus Group.
Travel and accommodation will be provided by the EIP-AGRI Support Facility according to the EU CAP
Network travel and accommodation policy.
Näin haet mukaan
Lisätiedot fokusryhmästä: Call for new EU CAP Network Focus Groups open ! | EU CAP Network (
Linkki hakulomakkeelle: EUSurvey – Survey (