
Hae mukaan: EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovation in logistics to improve the position of farmers in a supply chain’

The EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovation in logistics to improve the position of farmers in a supply chain’ will take place in Rouen, France on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 May 2025. The workshop will last a day and a half and includes field visits.

Hae mukaan: EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovation in logistics to improve the position of farmers in a supply chain’

The EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovation in logistics to improve the position of farmers in a supply chain’ will take place in Rouen, France on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 May 2025. The workshop will last a day and a half and includes field visits.

The call for expressions of interest is now open. If you are interested in participating, please fill in the application form before 10 February 2025, 23:59 CET.

The agenda outline is available below.

Background information

The overall aim of the workshop is to explore innovative practices, new approaches, and new organisational or technological solutions that can optimise logistics in the supply chain for individual farms, producer groups and cooperatives. Increasing the innovation rate in logistic infrastructure – including handling, transport, storage, drying, etc., as well as in primary food processing and packaging, may help farmers become more competitive and gain access to new market channels.

The workshop will focus on building and exchanging innovative practices and practical knowledge to improve and innovate the logistics in the food supply chain, especially in the areas of:

  • new technologies, including digital tools/ solutions
  • organisational innovation, such as innovative ways of cooperation between farmers and other participants in the supply chain, innovative types of contracts, etc.


The workshop ‘Innovation in logistics to improve the position of farmers in a supply chain’ is organised with the following objectives in mind:

  1. Identifying technological and organisational approaches in the fields of logistics and processing that help farmers to reduce costs, improve efficiency, minimise unnecessary losses and food waste, and better meet consumers’ demands and sustainability requirements
  2. Identifying challenges and exploring potential solutions for improved logistics in food supply chains to empower farmers by enhancing their ability to compete in the global market, improving their bargaining power and income, and contributing to sustainable food systems
  3. Promoting networking among EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, Horizon Europe multi-actor projects and other relevant innovative projects dealing with topics covered by the workshop
  4. Identifying research needs from practice and possible knowledge gaps

Main target groups

The workshop will bring together farmers, advisors, and researchers working on logistical best practices, along with food processors, retailers, NGOs, producer groups, cooperatives and representatives of innovative supply chain projects.

Näin haet mukaan

The call for expressions of interest is now open. If you are interested in participating, please fill in the application form before 10 February 2025, 23:59 CET.