The Workshop will consider the important question of how to make public and private rural development investments supported under the CAP last for a sufficient length of time to contribute to the objectives, i.e. be ‘durable’. Key elements of what make investments durable will be discussed, as well as eligibility conditions for funding, and methods for ex-post control for funded projects under the 2014-2022 programming; particularly in the light of the European Court of Auditors special report 12/2022 on durability in rural development[1].
The Workshop will be open to stakeholders from all Member States, both those who have included specific durability conditions in their CSPs 2023-2027, and those who have not. The event should be of particular interest to Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, evaluators, and organisations representing members who make CAP-supported investments as well as National CAP Networks.
The aim is to exchange best practices among Member States particularly regarding the durability of investments under 2014-2022 EAFRD and considering Member State’s approach under the 2023-2027 CAP Strategic Plans. To enrich the debate, it is encouraged for participants to provide available information applicable at national level for these investments during the 2023-27 CSPs, although such requirements are not foreseen by the legal acts.
The draft agenda of the event is available on the event page. The working language will be English.
Please follow the link below to register for the meeting as soon as possible before 9 November 2023.
Additionally, please feel free to forward this invitation to relevant colleagues.
The event is free of charge; however, participants will need to organise and pay for their own travel and accommodation. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have received confirmation of your participation! Confirmations will be sent as soon as possible.