The Smart Bioeconomy Testbed concentrate on user-centred testing of digital solutions for Smart Farming and Smart Bioeconomy. It constitutes a Living Lab where a Multi-Actor Approach is used, bringing together the needed expertise and end-users to produce successful innovations.
The testbed is part of Bioeconomy Campus, located in Saarijärvi, Central Finland. Research and testing are run by BTI (Institute of Bioeconomy of Jamk University of Applied Sciences), and the farm facilities (fields, forests, and cattle) are managed by POKE Vocational College.
The focus of the testbed is set on the near-to-market level and on the adoption phase of innovations (TRL-level 5-7). For example, tests are applied to wireless data transfer between the Farm Management Information Systems (FMISs) and various sources and uses of data (e.g. tractors, forest machines, implements, sensors, and IoT devices). Cyber security issues are also considered and tested. Moreover, innovations that enhance Fair Data Economy are top priority for the testbed.
Overall, the goal of the testbed is to speed up innovation in Smart Farming and Smart Bioeconomy. To ensure this, business development and acceleration services are included in the operations. A Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Agriculture & Bioeconomy (AB Smart DIH) is operated where the testbed operations are accompanied by related services such as business acceleration advice, competence building, and education.
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