14.04.2023 klo 10:00 - 11:30

BioTalks: Pathways towards Agriculture 4.0

Agriculture 4.0 is a paradigm shift facing the agricultural industry that emphasizes precision agriculture, the internet of things (IoT) and the use of big data to drive greater business efficincies in the face of rising populations and climate change. How do we implement Agriculture 4.0, and how do we manage diversity and responsibility in food system transition pathways? Let's talk about agriculture!

Times are EEST (UTC+3)

10:00 Opening and instructions

10:15 Importance of scalability of computer vision models within livestock sector: how to achieve a painless transition from research into practice? Oleksiy Guzhva, Assistant Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). A veterinarian with 20+ years of coding experience working within AI-driven agriculture and Computer Vision fields. Interested in the responsible digital transformation of agriculture, resource-efficient IpT applications and user-oriented product development.

10:45 Smart Farming as a tool to realize fair data economy. Hannu Haapala, Principal Researcher at Jamk Institute of Bioeconomy, leading the Smart Bioeconomy research, and Associate Professor at Helsinki University. Doctor of Agriculture, specialized in agrotechnology, smart agriculture and related innovations. He has been Professor of agricultural engineering in Helsinki University and at the national research centre, MTT Agrifood Research Finland (current National Resources Institute). He has worked as CEO of ProAgria South Ostrobothnia, the advisory service for agriculture.

BioTalks gives you also a sneak peek in the most adventurous event: AgriVenture Finland 2023, a new agritech and sustainable food chain event in Saarijärvi (June 7-8, 2023).