
Assessing generational renewal in CAP Strategic Plans; Euroopan CAP-verkoston tilaisuus Kroatiassa 14.-15.3.

EU:n maaseutuverkosto eli CAP-verkosto järjestää maaliskuussa työpajan maatalousyrittäjien sukupolvenvaihdoksiin ja nuorien viljelijöiden osuuteen liittyen:

Join the EU CAP Network and the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture for the sixth Good Practice Workshop on ‘Assessing generational renewal in CAP Strategic Plans’ in Zagreb, Croatia, 14 – 15 March 2024.


Generational renewal is a key priority under the current CAP implementing period, as almost a third of farm managers across the EU were 65 years of age or older in 2020. The decline in farm succession is often associated with land abandonment, decreasing farm efficiency and capital losses. Thus, the need for attracting and supporting young and new farmers is critical. This is not only a matter of renewing the agricultural labour force, but also of boosting the innovation and modernisation of the sector. 

Building on previous evaluations and the evolving framework under the new CAP architecture, this workshop aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the methods and approaches used in assessing generational renewal. Special attention will be paid to the role and participation of women in farming, integrating the gender equality dimension into an evaluation perspective for Member States. Generational renewal and gender equality experts will also participate in this Good Practice Workshop to provide specialised input on evaluation elements and approaches useful for assessing this topic.

This event is organised with the support of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP.

The sixth Good Practice Workshop has the overall objective to reflect and learn from each other’s experiences and ideas in relation to the evaluation of generational renewal, including the perspective of gender equality to prepare Member States for future evaluations on this topic. Specific objectives of the workshop are: 

  • Increase the evaluation knowledge of stakeholders involved in the evaluation of generational renewal in the context of CAP Strategic Plans.  
  • Exchange practical experiences from past evaluations on generational renewal, at the regional or national level, including the gender equality perspective where possible
  • Provide an opportunity for networking and identifying needs for further support for Managing Authorities, CAP networks and evaluators in relation to the evaluation framework for assessing generational renewal, including its gender equality dimension.  

Target audience: 

The workshop will be an opportunity for Managing Authorities, CAP networks, Paying Agencies, evaluators, EU-level evaluation experts, and other evaluation stakeholders in Member States to exchange with each other. The working language will be English.  

Register here

Registration closes on 23 February 2024. Please do not prepare travel arrangements until your participation is confirmed by the EU CAP Network. This event is organised with the support of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP.