
Ennakkotieto rahoitushausta: ERA-NET COFUND ICT AGRI-FOOD

Ennakkotietoa rahoitushausta, jonka hakukuulutus on saatavilla huhtikuun 2022 aikana ja haku päättyy elokuussa 2022.

Ohessa ennakkotietoa rahoitushausta, jonka hakukuulutus on saatavilla huhtikuun 2022 aikana ja haku päättyy elokuussa 2022.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the pre-announcement of the 2022 Joint Call on more transparent agri-food systems for consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain based on ICT technologies.

With this Joint Call, ICT-AGRI-FOOD aims to address the challenge of transforming the European agri-food systems into sustainable, resilient, transparent and fair systems with transnational, collaborative, inter-/ transdisciplinary research and innovation projects.

The scope of the 2022 Joint Call is based on the ICT-AGRI-FOOD vision, which explicitly sets out to bring together actors from across the entire food system (from conventional and organic supply chains) in a multi-actor approach. The challenge is to develop systems that are efficient, effective, equitable, trustable and transparent while enhancing sustainability of these.

Proposals submitted to the Call must address one of the three following topics:

TOPIC 1: Agri-food systems enabled by interconnected digital technologies that are more transparent to consumers, farmers and other stakeholders along the agri-food value chain

TOPIC 2: Identify, address and remove barriers for adoption of ICT technologies in the agrifood systems

TOPIC 3: Development and impact estimation (if applicable: evaluation) of data-driven reward and incentive systems to support sustainable and resilient farm management practices

Funding organisations from 14 different countries including Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey.

The ICT-AGRI-FOOD 2022 Joint Call will follow a 1-step procedure with full proposal. The call will be published from mid of April 2022 with a closing date for proposals submissions in August 2022. There will be an expert evaluation and selection by funders.